Sunday, December 28, 2014

British India old coin engravers (coin designers)

Do you know meaning of Engrave ? Design a print on the surface

Around year 1833 where Queen Victoria coins are designed by William wyon .

Few others are

1) Kasinath Dass (1 Rupee silver coin, quarter anna)

  • His skills were impressed by minting committee and appointed him Die cutter and copper plate engraver
  • His salary was fixed at Rs 300 a month
  • He has primarily done for 1 Rupee silver Queen victoria, quarter anna

2) Robert saunders  and Flaxman (1,2 Mohur coins)

  •  Incuse F stands for his work

3) William wyon (Queen victoria,King william coins )
  • Highly rated and skilled ,impressed by most of the people
  • 1861 to 1851 period
  • He has done portrait representations of not only queen victoria, but also George 1V,William IV
  • Leonard Charles Wyon is son of William wyon who continued to work after his retirement.
  • Infact victoria queen made sittings with him to design her portrait .
4) George William De Saulles (King Edward coins)
  • After Leonard charles death, Wyon De Saulles 
  • He married in June 1884 to Myra Hill but had no children
  • He is special in Medal works between 1894 -1903 year with 30 medals
  • He has signatureas 'DES' .on coins and medal
5) A.P Spencer ( George VI)
  • Calcutta Mint engraver
  • George V coin was prepared by Mr. Percy Brown and he adopted 
  • He prepared designs for 2 Annas, 1 Anna, 1/2 Anna coin of copper nickel

But today i guess every thing is automated with advanced machinery and its a cake walk to print on new edition coins.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Do you know ? One of the Worlds Largest BANK NOTE

Largest Bank Note
Do you know ?

  • This is one of the worlds largest bank note
  • The denomination of this is 1 Lakh Peso note
  • Created by government of Philipines in year 1998
  • This was released in celebration of century (100 years) independence of spanish rule.
  • It is released only to limited people especially collectors
  • The market value to purchase is 1lakh 80 thousand pesos nearly $3,700.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

How 100 Rupee old Notes price appreciated over a decade ?

100 Rupee pre independce currency notes 

JW Kelly Signature note

J W Kelly Note
Recently i was trying to do some reasearch on the old currency . I have travelled to different dealers in chennai and bangalore  in search of some price information. I found interesting to note that the 100 Rs Kelly signature currency note ,JB Taylor which were released by government .

The first note of 100 Rupees with King George released on 1927 with King George in different locations like Karchi, Bombay,Rangoon,Madras etc . The governor at that time is H.Denning.

The above note shown is market average price of Rs 15,000 in the year 2004-2005 .Being the rare and demanded note the note appreciated the price over the decade and latest price has touched close to 1 Lakh Rupees based on condition and based on dealer .

To the collectors please note all the currencies will not appreciate the price , only few rare ,demanded UNC condition note will touch the high price mark. It is as simple as share market the all the stocks will not perform better but only few .

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

5 Rupee old note with H.Denning signature

H.Denning Governer signature

H.Denning signature 5 Rupee old note

H.Denning Signature

   ü  Released on Oct 1925
   ü  Withdrawn in 1941
   ü  8 Languages on note
   ü  Governers H.Denning also J.B Taylor
   ü  In 2005 year the market value approx is Rs 6000/-
   ü  In 2014 year the market value approx is Rs 25,000/-
    Appreciation on market price is excellent

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