Wednesday, September 2, 2015

1806 to 2006 – 200 Years of STATE BANK OF INDIA (SBI) Proof coin

SBI 1806 to 2006 - 200 Years Proof coin

                              1806 to  2006 – 200 Years of STATE BANK OF INDIA (SBI) Proof coin
Rs 100,Rs 5
Issue Price (Face value)
Rs  1090 /-
Approx. Market Price
Rs 4000/-
50 Rs
Quaternary Alloy , 35 grams, 44mm, 200 serrations
10 Rs
Copper nickel  , 9 grams, 23 mm 

ü  India’s most trusted and oldest commercial bank in subcontinent
ü  Do you know that SBI is operational since British India time
ü  King William coins are circulated during this period 1806
ü  RBI has 60% stake in SBI
ü  16,000 branches , 572 zonal offices, 130 overseas branches
ü  It is very prestigious for coin collector to have this proof coin which makes to feel proud of true Indian

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